24-hour duty in dormitories housing foreigners was established in Kazakhstan after the unrest in Kyrgyzstan

Astana. May 21. KazTAG - Alena Subbotina. After protests over a conflict involving foreigners in Bishkek, Kazakhstan has established 24-hour security in some dormitories, said Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek.

“In general, if we take students from Pakistan and India, we have about 12 thousand, but mostly they are Indians. Not many from Pakistan. After a conflict in an neighboring country, first, we held separate meetings with all rectors of universities where foreign citizens are currently studying, and did not limit ourselves only to citizens from Pakistan and India. A separate circular is currently being developed. 24-hour duty has been established in places of compact residence. You know, mostly citizens from India and Pakistan are trained as medical specialists and engineering specialists. There are guards everywhere, fortunately, mostly foreign students live compactly,” - Nurbek said at a government briefing on Tuesday.

According to the minister, preventive measures will be carried out not only with foreign, but also with Kazakh students living with them in the same dormitories.

Photo source: picture from the open source
