After reorganization of the Central Clinical Hospital in Almaty, many workers have no money to live on - doctor

Almaty. May 25. KazTAG - Almaty doctor Elnura Gapbasova said that after re-profiling of the Central City Clinical Hospital in Almaty, many specialists were left without any salary.
“More than one and a half months have passed after the mass infection of medical workers of the Central Clinical Hospital of Almaty and their families, among they were their young children and elderly parents. It took us a month and a half to recover from this terrible disease, but, unfortunately, not everyone managed to do it. One of our employees are among the victims who we all knew and appreciated for many years. For a month and a half we were special treatment in infectious diseases hospitals, day after day hoping that negative results would come and we would return to normal life and help our colleagues in the fight against coronavirus infection. What awaited us after discharge? It turned out that no one was waiting for us. For many of our employees there is no job, because without appropriate orders in a few days our hospital was reorganized into an infectious hospital and many specialists are not demanded. Now our gynecologists, surgeons, traumatologists and other specialists have no work, no money," she wrote in the social networks.

Photo source: picture from an open source
