Deputies indicate deficit of painkillers for oncological patients in Kazakhstan

Astana. March 18. KazTAG- Patients have to wait for medications for months due to the lack of painkillers for oncological patients in Kazakhstan, said Gulnar Iksanova, deputy.
"The only distributor has been experiencing difficulties in procurement of medications due to unprofitable price conditions of suppliers. In 2018, the tender was announced 8 times. In 2019, only 4 medications were purchased, and another tender was announced. Tablet form of opioid drugs for patients is not always available. Doctors have to prescribe them anti-inflammatory drugs for months and provide anesthesia only when the patient begins to suffer," she said.
Another problem is interruptions in supplies and the lack of necessary drugs for cancer patients.
"In early 2018 cancer patients could not receive painkillers for 4 months in all regions of the country. Even the absence of one type of medicine for the treatment of cancer patients leads to a violation of the standards of treatment, which leads to adverse effects and makes patients suffer," added the deputy.

Photo source: picture from an open source
