It is reported that company associated with Nazarbayev refused to do business in Kazakhstan in exchange for $127 million

Astana. July 1. KazTAG - The British company Jusan Technologies, which is regularly associated with ex-President Nursultan Nazarbayev, refused to do business in Kazakhstan in exchange for $127 million, the Telegram channel “Exit to the Sea” reports.
“The British company Jusan Technologies, which, as a result of various manipulations, had almost $8 billion in assets of the Jusan group under its control, received $127 million in exchange for giving up ownership of the group’s business in Kazakhstan. This information is indicated in the financial statements of Jusan Technologies, published recently in the British commercial register. In addition, QAZ42 received about $8 million for its stake in Jusan Technologies, for which it had previously paid $20 million, after which it became the owner of a share worth 10 times more. The latter company may be associated with the former head of the National Security Committee, Karim Masimov,” the report said on Monday.

Photo source: picture from an open source
