Likelihood of circulation of the "Indian" strain identified in Almaty

Almaty. June 23. KazTAG - The likelihood of the circulation of the "Delta" ("Indian") strain of coronavirus infection (CVI) has been found in Almaty.
“There is a probable case, this is only preliminary information, it needs clarification, it is necessary to conduct research and sequencing. These studies will be carried out, according to their results it is only possible to speak in an affirmative form. This (the revealed probability of the circulation of "Delta" - KazTAG) is the data of one of the laboratories that conducted this study, that is, this sample was examined, and this is the data of the laboratory service. It is possible that this is an “Indian” strain, and additional research is still needed to confirm it, ”said Asel Kalykova, deputy head of the department of sanitary and epidemiological control of Almaty.

Photo source: picture from an open source
