Rain and thunderstorms expected across most of Kazakhstan on Thursday

Astana. May, 23. KazTAG – Rain and thunderstorms are expected in most parts of Kazakhstan on Thursday, reported Kazhydromet.

“In most parts of the country, the weather will remain unstable, there will be rain with thunderstorms and increased squally winds, hail is expected in the north and east of the republic, and precipitation (rain, snow) at night in the mountainous regions of the Almaty region. Gusty winds are expected across the republic, and fog is expected in the northwest and north,” - the report says.

In Astana, partly cloudy weather, rain and thunderstorms during the day. Air temperature at night +9+11, during the day +20+22.

In Almaty, partly cloudy weather and occasional rain.   Air temperature at night +11+13, during the day +19+21.

In Shymkent, partly cloudy weather, intermittent rain, thunderstorm, and squall in the morning and afternoon. Air temperature at night +14+16, during the day +26+28.

Фото көзі: picture from the open source
