Bakauov will be staying in pre-trial detention facility before court

Pavlodar. January 23. KazTAG - Bulat Bakauov, ex-akim of the Pavlodar region will be confined in the pre-trial detention facility before the court.
"The ruling on confinement in the pre-trial detention facility in respect of B. Bakauov has not been changed, the complaint of defence lawyers has not been satisfied," said Anel Kusanova, spokesperson of the Pavlodar regional court.
In her words, the ruling comes into force since the moment of announcement.
"I.e. since January 22 2020, it is the final ruling it cannot be appealed," she said.
The hearing on the appeal was held behind the closed doors.
As it was reported, Bakauov, suspected of power abuse and damage caused to the state, was arrested until March 16.

Photo source: picture from an open source
